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by Release Recommended Release (14.0 FP3)


Hide details for Application PropertiesApplication Properties
MDOY953VAUFixed problem where the XPages Run On Server option appeared when the application was local. The app must be remote or this option is not...
Hide details for AttachmentsAttachments
LSHR9BGJW8Fixed "Item value exceeds maximum allowable size" error when sending a message containing large file attachments and that had been previously saved...
LPEE9AAMKSAdded ability to open file attachments when using the HTML file attachment interface with Internet Explorer 9 or later.
Hide details for Browser Cache ManagementBrowser Cache Management
SDOY96FE3TFixed Internet Explorer failure scenario when browser window is closed when iNotes Browser Cache Management feature (DWABHO) is...
Hide details for CalendarCalendar
AJMO99WLRBUpdated timezone and DST information for the Notes standard client to include tzdata2013d. Please see this link for details on timezone updates:...
ETEC96EP5VCannot add a Webcal:// URL to add a private calendar to your Notes personal calendar
Hide details for Calendar & SchedulingCalendar & Scheduling
VNTR8Y388FA meeting is received from Outlook and delegated to another user. The delegate accepts the iniviation. If the meeting is cancelled by the Outlook...
PANN99PEPLFixes issue where checking schedules in the propose options dialog box after changing the time, produces the following error "Your start and end...
BMKH8JWSV4Fixed hypertext link to go to the right view when clicked after room owner approves/declines rooms via web
SNES93KSRTFixed issue where call-in information for online meeting is not displaying in location field if the doc is saved as draft.
NRBY95ZNZKRepeat all day event created through C&S APIs has wrong end date (shows incorrectly in Traveler & Outlook)
FPAI96ZGXBIssue occurs when sending an invitation from a chair to the invitee, such that both the chair and the invitee are running Notes, and calendar...
HEZ8WLLFKWhen reserving an online meeting as part of a calendar invitation, the check box to use the online meeting call information is not visible when the...
CSAO9CJ9LWAutomatically accepting (via preference settings) a repeating meeting of one instance does not add it to the invitee's calendar.
Hide details for Calendaring & SchedulingCalendaring & Scheduling
JKEY7SUDS4Meetings from C&S with asterisk in the subject wouldn't process properly when the room booked is renamed
CRLV5LD3Q3SPR# CRLV5LD3Q3 -When a chair creates a repeating meeting or Group ToDo that results in only a single instance (such as a daily repeating meeting...
TBAY8XLRH9Fixes issue where when a meeting invitee proposes a new date for the meeting, then uses the Check Schedules button, the new date is ingored and the...
MHAN8YCPSVOccasionally a stale busytime transaction will return data long after the transaction is done and the system attempts to clean up any stale memory...
Hide details for ClientClient
CSPA97JB8DFixed a defect that was unable to send voicemail as an attachment
CPAP99NJDTFixed @isnotesbrowserplugin to return proper value when used in an Evaluate statement in a script when used inside Notes Browser...
CSYL9TUUNFFixes issue where Notes was not honoring the display size of all items setting of Larger for Bookmarks and Shortcut Icons.
Hide details for Client AccessibilityClient Accessibility
BJGY98FLYM This fix allows users using French/Belgian keyboard layout to type '@' char using Right Alt + 2.
This fix also addresses other combinations such as...


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